Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 lbs 2 oz

Baby Stella weighs in at 2.2 lbs and we are thrilled! I still cant figure out why I've gained 30+ lbs and she's so little!! LOL Mulitple doctor appts yesterday that all turned out to be great! We got to see our little one sucking her thumb and dancing in my belly. It is such a great feeling and relief each time we have an ultrasound. Blood sugars are on the rise but an A1C of 6.2 is great considering the hard work my body is doing. I have noticed that sugars rise one hour post meal and then drop two hours post meal, which seems to be a common thread with type 1 and pregnancy. Today makes 27 weeks! We are almost there!


  1. Thanks for writing your blog! I hope the remainder of your pregnancy went well!! I am pregnant (just 4 wks) for the second time and we are hoping and praying for a better outcome than our first time around (lost the baby at 10 wks). I have been T1 for 15 years and had a hard time finding information on T1 pregnancies.

  2. Hi Amy,
    Sorry to hear about the difficulties of your first pregnancy I hope this one is going well.
    I got side tracked while writing this blog. The further along I progressed in my preganancy the harder it became to do simple things. My blood sugars were outstanding but just walking was extremely painful. I had an unusual amount of swelling that caused bruising and made it hard to put on flip flops! I also gained close to 70lbs. I lost 30lbs in fluid alone in the first two weeks. There is so much ground to cover with diabetes and pregnancy if you have any questions or just want to vent or chat about it please feel free. I'm learning how to be a mom and I will be back to blog more frequently!
