Thursday, January 28, 2010

Since the last time I blogged things have not changed that much. I have had to up my insulin intake by .5 with every basal and increase my carb/insulin ratio. I have had many doctors appts and a few ultrasounds all of which looked great! The baby weighs 1lb 4oz!!! Which leaves me to wonder...if the baby is so small why am I so big??? LOL I promised myself when I started this blog I would be goes. I have gained a total of 28 lbs (UGH) give or take a few depending on the amount of salt and water I've had the day before. In a matter of a few days I found out the clinic I worked hard to keep open was closing and I was pregnant (the big guy works in funny ways). Now like many of us diabetics out there, I am a emotional eater. If I wake up sad or feeling bad for myself, I eat. If things dont go my way one day, I eat. If I'm bored, I eat and so on. Going from working out everyday, working 50hrs a week and fighting for my passion, to being laid off and not being able to find a job because of my growing waist line has had it's toll on me. Lets face it nobody wants to hire a pregnant lady who's going to be leaving to have a baby in a few months. Soooo I eat and wait, I wait for Stella to get here and bless us with her arrival. I wait to be able to do the simple things like stay awake past 8pm or workout without have a 30 blood sugar. I wait for another job opportunity like the one I had before that lit my fire every day. So until she gets here I just wait... and grow! LOL
Until next time! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

22 weeks

Had a fetal echo done yesterday and all I can say is WOW!!! Baby girl is a mover! The cardiologist pressed the wand on my stomach and she literally took her feet and pushed it back! We saw her little feet on the monitor push back at him ! It was funny and exciting! He got a good laugh...but we think she's going to be fiesty! Things have been going accordingly,but let me tell you fellow pumpin preggers get those numbers in check! The closer my due date gets the more concerned I become about the size of this baby...for obvious reasons! Keeping the numbers where they should be has become harder over the course of the pregnancy. Numbers will be great one day and the next day insulin resistance has begun...literally over night!

Monday, January 4, 2010

20 Weeks and counting...

It has been too long since the last time I blogged! The past few weeks have been crazy!
Doctor's appts are now bi-weekly and I'm testing so much I dont think I have any blood left in me. The nausea is almost too much to take, but it's all worth it! My sugars have climbed a little but that is to be expected. The holidays were rough with food and drink everywhere, but we made it thru! Things are going along as they should and the best part is that we will be welcoming a baby girl into our family in May!