Wednesday, January 13, 2010

22 weeks

Had a fetal echo done yesterday and all I can say is WOW!!! Baby girl is a mover! The cardiologist pressed the wand on my stomach and she literally took her feet and pushed it back! We saw her little feet on the monitor push back at him ! It was funny and exciting! He got a good laugh...but we think she's going to be fiesty! Things have been going accordingly,but let me tell you fellow pumpin preggers get those numbers in check! The closer my due date gets the more concerned I become about the size of this baby...for obvious reasons! Keeping the numbers where they should be has become harder over the course of the pregnancy. Numbers will be great one day and the next day insulin resistance has begun...literally over night!


  1. I'm so glad you have posted! Sounds like you are doing great! Hang in there, the last stretch is tough with the insulin resistance but, it will be over before you know it!

  2. Thank you!!! I do find that insulin resistance is in high gear now! Very nerve racking!!!
